Background checks in India

Hiring is a very strenuous process…so you will never want it go wrong. Well! our spectrum of services, precisely makes checks through various channels to screen the employee you hire. We are a credible name for employee record screening and background checks in India. Authenticating and objectively evaluating a hire for hassle-free

Education Verification

Education verifications are another aspect of the pre-employment background check. The top roles within any organisation require candidates with very particular and credible educational qualifications. The responsibility delegated to these roles is extremely high as well.

This is precisely the reason why verification of educational qualifications is extremely important. Verification of educational documents is a viable way to uncover the truth of employee’s educational qualifications.

Identity Verification

Identity verification is the foundation stone for ensuring a secure workplace!

In an age where identity theft is widespread, India accounts for 77 % of the fraudulent identity cases. In such an unpredictable scenario, you would want to be certain of an incumbent’s identity.

When you bring someone into your organization, verification of an applicant’s identity helps to alleviate concerns of a misappropriated, mistaken, or outright stolen identity.

AMSiFORM swiftly checks the genuineness of the stated identity and documents before you base trust and grant access and privileges. This ensures that all the employees that you hire are the right fit for your organisation.

Address verification

Address Verification makes a check that the employee has given out his/ her current as well as permanent residential address correctly, completely and honestly. Any hire who does not provide authentic information pertaining to address, which is an important part of revealing basic information, should not, obviously, be trusted.

Address verification check is run to verify the address details to ensure the hire is absolutely genuine and suitable. We have the most reliable screening services covering almost 100 countries.

Criminal record verification

Criminal Record Verification is a check vitally used to establish whether a potential employee has a criminal record.

CourtCheck is an online criminal record check of AMSiNFORM that enables you to conduct a criminal history search that is tailored to your organisation’s requirements. We carry out reliable and professional criminal background checks – in tune with your specific requirements and local jurisdictions to unearth any past conviction, civil or criminal, associated with the hire.

This verification underlines important benefits like safeguarding your organization’s reputation, protecting organizational assets, fostering trust among current employees are the benefits of criminal record verification.

Global database verification

A dubious history of employee outside the country is a serious matter of concern. Global Datatbase verification at AMSiNFORM allows you to learn more about your employees and their Global Regulatory, Compliance & Debarment, affiliations with criminals, association, financial obligations and charges, defaults and more.

We competently perform these screening as we have the best possible reach to many places across the with a global screening coverage in more than 100 countries.

Professional license verification

This check verifies the authenticity of a professional license from a candidate. If your organisation hires candidates who provide services to consumers for public health, safety and welfare etc., it becomes mandatory to screen the professional license verification. A professional license is verified with the state or federal agency that issued the license.

Employment verification

Employment verification confirms a hire’s work history, positions held and other relevant employment details.

AMSiNFORM interviews former supervisors and professional references to find out the authentic facts of employment. It provides insight into performance, attitude, interpersonal skills of the candidate and these verifications aid organisations to actually read out whether the hired individual fits their organisation’s culture or not.